

cro, cru=十字、曲げる

crucify / 十字架にする→責める、はりつけにする、酷評する

cf. He crucified me for staying out till midnight.


cruise / 十字を描く→巡遊する、巡行する

cf. They cruised down the Nile.


crouch / 腰を曲げる→かがむ

cf. The lion was crouching in the bushes.

cre, cru=生む、成長する

increase / 上に成長する→増加する

cf. The price of rice has increased by 20%.


recruit / 再び成長する→採用する

cf. Many workers were recruited from the local colleges.


create / 創造する

cf. God created the heaven and the earth.

close, clude=閉じる

conclude / 完全に閉じる→結論を下す

cf. The Catholic church continues to exclude women from the priesthood.


enclose / 中に閉じる→同封する、囲む

cf. I enclose a check for $200 in this ecvelope.


secluded / 離れて閉じる→人里離れた

cf. We drove to a secluded spot in the country.