


exit→外に行く / 出口 cf. We exited via a fire door. initiate→中に行く→ / 始める、入会させる cf. The peace talks were initiated by a special envoy. obituary→反対に行く→反対の世界へ行く / 死亡記事 cf. I read your father's obituary in the Tim…

guard, war=見守る

reward / 後ろを見守る→報いる、報酬 cf. I had no reward for all the hard work I did. regard / 後ろを見守る→振り返って見る→考える、評価する cf. She regards her job as the most important thing in her life. warden / 見守る人→監視人 cf. The pri…


genetic→種を持った→遺伝子の cf. The illness is believed to be caused by a defective gene. general→同じ種を持った→一般的な、全般的な regenerate→再び生まれる→生まれ変わる→再生する、改心させる cf. The electon regenerated people's belief in go…

fuse, fut=注ぐ、融ける

confuse / 共に注ぐ→注ぎあって区別がつかない→混同する、混乱する cf. The new rules have caused a lot of confusion. profuse / 前に注ぐ→ばらまくほどある→豊富な cf. I've never seen flowers in such profusion. futile / 注ぐことができる→ごぼれやす…


conform / 共に形づくる→従う、順応させる cf. He refused to conform to the local customs. formulate / 形にする→組み立てる、公式化する cf. He has many good ideas, but he can't formulate them well. perform / 完全な形にする→実行する、演じる cf.…

flo, flu=流れる

superfluous / あふれて流れる→不要な、余分な cf. She worked so well that my help was superfluous. fluctuate / 流れる→変動する、同様する cf. During the crisis, oil prices fluctuated between $20 and $40 a barrel. fluent / 流れるような→流暢さ …


infinite / 終わりのない→無限の、計り知れない cf. There is an infinite number of stars in teh night sky. define / 完全に境界を引く→定める、定義する cf. It is difficult to define the border between love and friendship. confine / 共に境界内に…


dificient / 作れない→不足した cf. If the government does nothing, deficits expand rapidly. artificial / 技術を使って作る→人口的な、不自然な cf. Our teacher wears an artificial leg. sacrifice / 聖なるものにする→犠牲にする cf. She sacrifeced…


refer / 元の場所に運ぶ→言及する、触れる cf. We agreed never to refer to the matter again. defer / 離れたところに運ぶ→延ばす、延期する cf. They deferred their decision for a week. offer / 相手の方へ足を運ぶ→申し出、誘い cf. I was offered a …


defect / 離れて作る→理想と離れたものを作る→欠陥、欠点 cf. Several defects were found in the design of the ship. affect / 目指して作る→影響する、〜のふりをする cf. She affected a calmness she did not feel. infect / 中に入って作る→伝染する、…


facilitate / 作りやすい→促進する、容易にする cf. The current structure does not facilitate efficient work flow. faction / 作ったもの→派閥 cf. A rebel faction has split away from the main group. factitious / 作っている→うその、見せかけの cf…

fam, fan, phe=話す

defame / 下に話す→中傷する cf. The news paper denies any intention to defame the senator's reputation. prophet / 前もって話す→預言者、予言者 cf. He prophesied a Democratic defeat in the next election. infant / 話すことができない→幼児 cf. H…


equator / 南北に等しく分けたもの→赤道 cf. The nations located on the equator have very hot climates. equivocal / 等しい声→紛らわしい、はっきりしない cf. Her answer was rather equivocal. equivalent / 価値が等しい→同等のもの cf. Owen equaliz…


produce / 前に導く→生産する、取り出す cf. During the argument, one of the men produced a knife. introduce / 中に導く→紹介する、導入する cf. Will you introduce me to your wife? induce / 中に導く→〜する気にさせる cf. An advertisement induced…


abduct / 外に導く→誘拐する cf. A Japanese tourist was abducted in Spain. induct / 中に導く→就任させる、任命する cf. His son was inducted into the army last week. conduct / 共に導く→導く、案内する、指揮する cf. The concert was conducted by …


contradict / 反対のことを言う→矛盾する cf. The witness sometimes gave contradictory answers. verdict / 真実を言う→判決、判断、決定 cf. The jury reached a unanimous verdict of guilty. predict / 前もって言う→予言する、予測する cf. It was pre…

cur, cour, cor=流れる、走る

excursion / 外に走る→遠足、小旅行 cf. We're going to an excursion to Nikko tomorrow. current / 流れ cf. They were rowing against the current. recur / 再び流れる→再発する cf. If the problem recurs, I'll see my doctor about it.

cro, cru=十字、曲げる

crucify / 十字架にする→責める、はりつけにする、酷評する cf. He crucified me for staying out till midnight. cruise / 十字を描く→巡遊する、巡行する cf. They cruised down the Nile. crouch / 腰を曲げる→かがむ cf. The lion was crouching in the …

cre, cru=生む、成長する

increase / 上に成長する→増加する cf. The price of rice has increased by 20%. recruit / 再び成長する→採用する cf. Many workers were recruited from the local colleges. create / 創造する cf. God created the heaven and the earth.


core / 中心、芯、核心 cf. It took quite a while to get to the core of problem. accord / 心を一つの方向へ向ける→一致、協定 cordial / 心からの、思いやりのある cf. Everyone in the class was cordial to each other.

close, clude=閉じる

conclude / 完全に閉じる→結論を下す cf. The Catholic church continues to exclude women from the priesthood. enclose / 中に閉じる→同封する、囲む cf. I enclose a check for $200 in this ecvelope. secluded / 離れて閉じる→人里離れた cf. We drove…

ceive, cept=つかむ

deceive / 人から物をつかむ→だます cf. It was a deliberate attempt to deceive the public. perceive / 完全につかむ→理解する cf. I perceived something moving in the shadows. conceive / 共につかむ→妊娠する cf. His wife is unable to conceive.

cede, cess=進む、行く、譲る

ancestor / 祖先、先駆者 cf. The three species were evolved from a single ancestor. excess / 過度、超過 cf. Don't drink to excess. predecessor / 前任者 cf. Mr. Smith is my predecessor as manager.


escape / 頭が外にでる→逃げる、逃れる cf. Several prisoners have escaped from the jail. capital / 頭となるもの→資本金、大文字、首都 cf. His business was started with a capital of $3000. decapitate / 頭が離れる→首を切る cf. The president's a…

aster, astor, stella=星

astronomy / 天文学 cf. The cost of the new government project is astronomical. constellation / 星座 cf. The constellation of Orion can be seen in winter. asteroid / 小惑星 cf. There are innumerable asteroids between Mars and Jupiter.

ann, enn=年

annuity / 年金 cf. The old man receives a small annuity. perennial / 多年生の、永続的な cf. He planted perenial roses in the garden. annals / 記録、...史 cf. This is one of the most unusual cases in the annals of crime.

ali, alter, else=別の、他の

alien / 外国の、異質な cf. When I first went to London, it all felt very alien to me. alienate / 疎外する、遠ざける cf. Her comments alienated a lot of young voters. alias / 別名、偽名 She checked into the hotel under an alias.